This week’s roundup of our favorites from across the interwebs to help you make sense of men and women.
1. Rick Santorum On Opposition to Abortion In Cases of Rape: ‘Make The Best Out of a Bad Situation’ on The Huffington Post presents the GOP presidential candidate’s (disgusting and offensive) stance on abortion, which is that even a child conceived through an act of rape is a “gift” that must be protected.
2. When Infidelity Heals by Tracy Clark-Flory on asks: Can cheating actually save some relationships?
3. Men Struggle For Rape Awareness on The New York Times by Roni Caryn Rabin takes a look at male victims of rape and the difficulties many of them face searching for acceptance.
4. Cynthia Nixon, Gay and Proud by E.J. Graff of The American Prospect discusses the actress’ recent claim that she chose to be a lesbian.
5. Do Open Marriages Ever Work? by Brian Palmer on explores the open marriage issue in the wake of Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife’s admission.
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