Where Have the Good Men Gone?

Kay S. Hymowitz’s piece actually strikes me a little unfair towards men.
It’s not the first time I’ve heard complaints about the pre-adult male phenomenon and, let’s be honest, a lot of it is true.  Dudes, especially affluent ones in their 20s, often live like overgrown frat boys, surrounded by video games, trashy mags and bearing a generally noncommittal approach to life.

But the truth is that most of them grow out of it eventually (even if its later than most straight ladies would like), and frankly, I don’t think enjoying video games and being a responsible adult male are incompatible.  Women engage in plenty of behaviors that straight guys find annoying too, after all.

I feel like the author sort of misses the main reason why this pre-adult male behavior can be so frustrating to women, and ladies, you’re not gonna like it (I sure don’t): It’s our biological clocks.
The pre-adult man phase is ok until you want to start a family.  Culture may have changed, but women’s bodies haven’t.  So the problem is that straight women in their mid-late 20s start to think about this stuff because they have a limited window for childbearing – but many of their male counterparts want to be pre-adults for another decade.  Isn’t that where the friction exists?  Because women who want the stability of a partner and a family simply can’t afford to wait out men’s pre-adult phase?

What do you think?

Read the whole article here.
