Ethical Pickup Artistry

From The Good Men Project, this is a fascinating article on pick up artistry, including a primer on what it is.

Since I first learned about Neil Strauss’ book, The Game, I’ve been fascinated by the industry that sprung up around training men on how to successfully seduce women and (ultimately) get laid.  But I have also often asked myself about the ethics behind it.  I don’t see anything wrong with a self-help industry that teaches shy guys how to confidently approach and flirt with woman.  After all, why let the douchey-misogynists corner the market on that one?  But I’m glad that there are alternatives visions for pick-up artistry that don’t see all women as targets who can be conquered by feeding off female insecurity.

Also, what ever happened to that terrible VH1 show?

Dig into the full article here.
