The Friday Five

This week’s roundup of our favorites from across the interwebs to help you make sense of men and women.

1. The Declining Demand For Husbands by Nancy Folbre of The New York Times says the marriage market might work better if men were more flexible about changing gender roles and more willing to help out with family care.

2. Serena’s Rape Victim-Blaming Got Everything Wrong by Mary Elizabeth Williams of says the tennis star’s apology for her comments about the Steubenville rape victim didn’t help matters either.

3. No, Nigella Lawson’s Public Choking Isn’t A ‘Private’ Matter by Erin Gloria Ryan of responds to an awful article in the Telegraph, which says: “The only way the Saatchi marriage stands a chance is if everyone—including the Metropolitan police—back off.”

4. How Long Can You Wait To Have A Baby? by Jean Twenge of The Atlantic says deep anxiety about the ability to have children later in life plagues many women. But the decline in fertility over the course of a woman’s 30s has been oversold. Here’s what the statistics really tell us—and what they don’t.

5. First Major Review Of Violence Against Women: One Third Of All Women Have Been Abused By A Partner by Maria Cheng of Talking Points Memo says in a series of papers released on Thursday by the World Health Organization and others, experts estimated nearly 40% of women killed worldwide were slain by an intimate partner and that being assaulted by a partner was the most common kind of violence experienced by women.

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