The Friday Five

This week’s roundup of our favorites from across the interwebs to help you make sense of men and women.

1. The Trolls Come Out For Amanda Berry by Mary Elizabeth Williams of says the Cleveland survivor comes out to party—and makes some people might angry.

2. So Your Boss Called You A ‘Slutbag’ by Sally Kohn of The Daily Beast says Barbara Morgan’s expletive-filled rant about Anthony Weiner intern Olivia Nuzzi brings up a specter that’s all too familiar: the horrid female boss.

3. What Interracial And Gay Couples Know About ‘Passing’ by Angela Onwuachi-Willig of The Atlantic discusses the misery of masquerading.

4. Women Of Color And Feminism: A History Lesson And Way Forward by Anthea Butler of RH Reality Check asks: Why is it so hard for white feminists to embrace, celebrate, and partner with their sisters of color? Is intersectionality just a dream, or can we work past this conundrum?

5. Weiner’s Behavior Prompts A Question: Why Did He Do It? by Kate Taylor and Javier C. Hernandez of The New York Times includes professionals offering a variety of possible explanations for Anthony Weiner’s online behavior, including addiction, a mood disorder, and feelings of inadequacy.

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